XII Bienal Internacional de Valparaíso. Chile. 2024

Fotografías de 1,70 x 1,10cms más video instalación.

Seleccionado para ser parte de la gran muestra de la XII Bienal internacional de arte Valpaaíso. El artista Brisso Pifferi adapta la obra Blanco sobre Blanco, una nevera estenopeica porteada a pulso al interior del parque Torres del Paine para buscar una mirada distinta del lugar, así retratar con una mirada retro contemporanea la magnitud del glaciar Grey.

Para esta ocasión entre las dos grandes fotografias análogas se incluye una retroproyección que nos muestra de forma poetica parte de la hazaña vivida por el artista para cumplir sus sueños, dias de navegación, porteo, condiciones climaticas exremas y fotografias de mas de dos horas de exposicion, mediante una imagen de video relentizada.

“La vida solo vale si es siguiendo los ideales, teniendo utopias, todo esto aunque no se logre, es el unico camino humano de exploración”.

In 2023, the Bienal 1.1 is held under the concept of “Coup” (“Golpe” in Spanish), commemorating 50 years of the military coup on Chile.

The artist generates analog photographs from parts of the body, with a poetic view and in a B&W technique, giving connotation to each image and using the sinécdoque to express his idea.

Images are printed in large format fabrics, hanged in the limits of the old factory of Huanchaca, between desert and sea, creating tension and liberty images; fabrics that seem to dance with the local wind are tied to the fences producing tension and also material wear, same as wear of the images that soon will disappear.

The concept of “Des aparecer” (to disappear) talks about these hundred of bodies that have been found in common pits and the bottom of the sea, tortured and kidnapped by the dictatorship. Memories, past and present, ephemeral and transcendental, it is the human journey throughout history, same as fragile memory of Chilean people.